Calling All Polegate Photographers
Polegate photographers have a chance to showcase their work in calendar which will than be able available to Polegate residents. for a donation to Polegate based charity Children with Cancer.
The Pride of Polegate Photography Competition is an opportunity to show everyone what is good about the area and for everyone else to see it. Pictures will be judged and winners will see their images featured in a calendar ready for next year.
Dan Dunbar, competition organiser said: “ This is a chance for local people to use photography to show what Polegate means to them”.
The competition is open to amateur and professional photographers alike, who are residents of Polegate who have until midday Friday 15th October to enter their images into The Pride of Polegate Photo Competition.
The Pride of Polegate Photography Competition judging panel will be looking for the photographers idea of positive aspects of living and working in the area. They will also consider a range of factors and will be looking for present rural, urban landscapes and scenes at events. Judges will also look for a creative approach and good technical ability.